"Friendship is born the moment when one person says to another, What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" - C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Boston Blues

Last night, I was online getting things figured out ( or trying to at least) for the Boston Marathon.  I was practice, got registered early in the day, and got my hotel reserved… just in case things fall through with stay with my friend.  Anyhow…. So I was on Runner’s World, and the local Boston newspapers, and what not…… and I started to read some of the articles and posts.  There are a lot of people who obviously are not happy because the race sold out in one day and although they knew it would go fast, they left for work before it opened and got off work after it was already full.  So not having computer access they couldn’t register.  Then there were the people who ran into the website glitch like I did…. And then just never got confirmation so they are not able to participate this year.  Well, I started reading comments like this:
This is bullshit.  Women should have harder qualifying times.  3:40 is cake….. they needed harder qualifying times and this wouldn’t happen

This is a damn shame.  Looks like Boston has lost its shine.  This year the marathon will be a bunch of older, slower runners.    There are plenty of guys who ran a 2:30 who will not get to run boston this year…. But someone who ran a 3:30 will get to…. Not right.

Boston is suppose to be for the elite runners… not just those who squeaked in a qualification time and were quick typers to get registered quick

And it goes on and on and on.  So I got to thinking that they are right.  I mean I barely got in, I got in on my FIRST TRY for goodness sake… .isn’t that saying something about the difficulty in making it?  Obviously I didn’t have to try THAT hard?

And there are people like my friend Womelsdorf who been running for years qualified at steamtown, ran into the computer glitch yesterday morning, tried again at lunch and still wasn’t working, and then by the time he got home to try again it was full.

I don’t know…. Kind of took the whole excitement out of it for me L


  1. Your experience with the comments reminds me of when I wrote on Runner's World about my run/walk situation and the marathon and people hounded me, "um, why bother running a marathon if you're not going to run?" or "ugh. you'll never get it. No way."
    It's like everyone else we've encountered one time or another-people love to put others down, sometimes directly and other times indirectly. 3:40 is a phenomenal accomplishment for a goal time and YOU made it! You didn't have a training regime with a coach-nope, you did it on your own lady. You EARNED that spot. Like someone told me awhile ago, people just love complaining because it's easier than doing something about it.
    Of course this has nothing to do with your friend Womelsdorf-he is one of the few that I feel sympathy for because we all know what it's like to want something really bad and have something stupid, like a technical glitch, get in the way.

    Don't ever forget how hard you worked for that goal time, how much effort and heart you put into it. Like the saying goes, "haters gonna hate." Stay positive, stay stoked-YOU GOT INTO BOSTON BABY!
