Got to lunch time yesterday and wasn't quite sure what i wanted to do with the hour. I had packed some shorts, a tshirt, and my retired running shoes ( Nike Pegasus) in my car to possibly hit up the gym.... but i wsant sold on that. Was still super sore from a circut workout i had done on Tuesday. Was talking with one of my coworkers who ran steamtown "with" me and he said the following
" Come on. Just run. You know you want to and besides... its probably the last semi warm and gorgeous day we will have in a long time".
Well me, not havin even looked at the weather forcast the next few days to know it should be gorgeous out, decided that well... i might as well. So i got changed and headed out on a nice 5.3 mile run. It felt incredible. I actually was super sore and felt like i was going SO SLOW... but when i got back i realized that my pace is right back to where it was before the marathon... which is super exciting. The soreness went away the long i was running... it actually loosened up those tight muscles. I didnt feel any calf or knee pain. It was a great lunch time run. Tried to keep the hills at a minimum... since i am still technically recovering. Overall felt great.
Today- of course my left calf is sore and my right knee/hip is bugging out a bit. I know its just because im on the rebound.... but i need to watch it and take it easy. No sense boogering it up.
This saturday i am torn between two events that i really want to take part in. There is a 5k in harrisburg that I was a part of last year and then there is a 12K in lancaster county that my friends are all going to.... i just cant seem to decide. My head is saying.... do the 5k because a 12k is a bit much this soon after a marathon to RACE in... but my heart says i like distance running and could really have a blast on a rolling 7 mile race.
SO.... we all know which im going to most likely listen to dont we.
therefore... today and tomorrow i am taking it easy and not running at all.... just so that come sunday.... i am feeling alright to tackle the hills of lancater county.
COME ON..... you really cant blame me can you??? :)
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