"Friendship is born the moment when one person says to another, What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" - C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Can you get a brain freeze without drinking anything cold?!?!?!?! If so i have one!!

Yesterday I was feeling so sore and just achy from my race on sunday and then my speedwork monday, that I decided to take the day off and relax.  I don't know what my deal is lately but I have been stressing out big time.....

I mean... well I do know why... and i cant get into details about it right now.... but my face looks like a pizza and I've got 20 things going on at one time.  Its ok though... they are all things that are going to bring changes for the better... and thats what is important.  Been really just trying to let things in God's hands and trust him.  He has blessed me beyond measure lately..... and I cannot be more grateful for that.  I see awesome things come the new year.... i am so excited.  I am also excited to start working on my new years goals!! :)

On another note, back to my training schedule, I ran today over my lunch break.  I wasnt really in the mood to, but i knew by the time i got out of work it would be dark and getting cooler out.... so it was in my best interest if i wanted to stay on target, to make sure i got out there today.  I went out on a route that i ran quite frequently over the summer.  It has at least 3 large hills and its a challange for me... especially when my hamstrings are so tight and my hip was making a pop pop pop as i began to run.  It was a little uncomfortable the first 1.5 miles... but after awhile i fell into rythum and everything was fine.  I ended up going 6 miles today and averaged a 7:55 pace so I am happy with that all things considered.

Other than that, I am feeling pretty optimistic about my training plan.  Ive decided I will combine the furman method with the plan i used to train for steamtown and that will be my best bet.  I hear that furman can cause alot of injuries and that is the last thing i want simply from being too aggressive... so i plan to keep an eye on things the next few weeks.

They are calling for awesome weather the next 3 days so my long run this friday will be in approx 43-46 degree weather!!!! thats warm for dec so bring it on!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Let's try that again.... Boston Training STARTS NOW take 2 :)

So many things going through my head right now... I seriously cannot even keep my thoughts straight!  Perfect time to blog then right? :)

First, I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!  I had a wonderful time with my family.  Dan got me alot of great running gear for my training over this winter so that does make me a little more excited to head outside and freeze my buns off lol.  I got some gloves, a long sleeve compression shirt with matching shorts, some smartwool socks, and a new ipod nano touch!  I am super pumped to try that sucker out!  My old shuffle just wasnt cutting it anymore.

So many GREAT GREAT things going on in my little life right now... so exciting.  Things personally, professionally, and actively.  Can't go too much into detail right now... but good things for sure coming my way.

I made a big OOPS last week.  It actually did NOT start my Boston training as i thought!  Funny thing.... i suck at math :)  even basic counting apparently.  Yesterday OFFICIALLY started my 16 week training.  SO- what does this mean?  Only one thing in my eyes- i had to do the week 1 speed work out TWO WEEKS IN A ROW.... and those 3X1600's were gruesome.  I hate speed training.  Ive decided already.  Its miserable!!!!!  AND- my hamstrings hurt worse than they EVER have... i am not sure why though.  I wonder if its just simply a new range of motion?  Its rough though! WOWZA.

Other than that just staying busy and trying to stretch alot.  Tonight is cross training so i am most likely hitting the bike for 45 minutes tonight!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Boston Training starts NOW

Today begins my Boston Marathon training!!! :)  I put a smiley face on here like i am actually genuinely thrilled about this.... but im not so sure about that. The thought of training in the bitter cold is not the least bit appealing!  I HATE cold!  I have printed out my training schedule and I am ready to rock and roll.  I thought I had an extra week before I had to get moving on this... so this is very upsetting to me!!!
Tonight I will be heading to the gym to put in my very first speed workout EVER.  I have not done this yet even once.... looking forward to it :)

Here starts a long and active 16 weeks

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Catching up after days of blog failure :)

Lets see… updates updates…..
This past Saturday I ran in the Stoudt’s 12K in Adamstown, PA.  I went into it thinking that I would have NO ISSUES whatsoever with this “short  7.4 mile race” because  my mentality was if I was able to do my marathon a few weeks ago… this would seem like cake.

BOY WAS I WRONG!!!  Holy heck was that a challenge!  First, I started off way to fast. Second, I then ran out of steam at mile 3.5, and third those hills were KILLER!!!  Needless to say it was not my best race.  I ended up finishing in 53:57 and was the third female in the age bracket 18-29.  That isn’t terrible… but I felt terrible running the race.  GOOD LORD.

Sunday my boyfriend and I led a group of about 20 people to Ricketts Glen state park.  It has 26 natural waterfalls and is INCREDIBLE for sight seeing any time of the year… but in PA… the leaves in October are fabulous.  It was a great little over 5 mile hike through the trails of the state park… incredible!

Yesterday, I went on a group run on the riverfront and I ended up completing about 5.5 miles in total.  The rest of the group did more like 6.5… but my knee is still not 100% since the marathon so I decided I better turn back early rather than risk injury.
This evening is going to be about cross training.  I need to get to the gym more and cross train and do strength training.  I really feel that is one area that I could certainly improve on.  What better time to do that than when my mileage is to be kept down, and in between marathon training programs.  Come Dec 16th, ill be back to marathon training… so until then I am enjoying this gorgeous weather for my

Thursday, October 21, 2010

knee-d to listen to my body.....

Got to lunch time yesterday and wasn't quite sure what i wanted to do with the hour.  I had packed some shorts, a tshirt, and my retired running shoes ( Nike Pegasus) in my car to possibly hit up the gym.... but i wsant sold on that.  Was still super sore from a circut workout i had done on Tuesday.  Was talking with one of my coworkers who ran steamtown  "with" me and he said the following

" Come on.  Just run.  You know you want to and besides... its probably the last semi warm and gorgeous day we will have in a long time".

Well me, not havin even looked at the weather forcast the next few days to know it should be gorgeous out, decided that well... i might as well.  So i got changed and headed out on a nice 5.3 mile run.  It felt incredible.  I actually was super sore and felt like i was going SO SLOW... but when i got back i realized that my pace is right back to where it was before the marathon... which is super exciting.  The soreness went away the long i was running... it actually loosened up those tight muscles.  I didnt feel any calf or knee pain.  It was a great lunch time run.  Tried to keep the hills at a minimum... since i am still technically recovering.  Overall felt great.

Today- of course my left calf is sore and my right knee/hip is bugging out a bit.  I know its just because im on the rebound.... but i need to watch it and take it easy.  No sense boogering it up.

This saturday i am torn between two events that i really want to take part in.  There is a 5k in harrisburg that I was a part of last year and then there is a 12K in lancaster county that my friends are all going to.... i just cant seem to decide.  My head is saying.... do the 5k because a 12k is a bit much this soon after a marathon to RACE in... but my heart says i like distance running and could really have a blast on a rolling 7 mile race.

SO.... we all know which im going to most likely listen to dont we.

therefore... today and tomorrow i am taking it easy and not running at all.... just so that come sunday.... i am feeling alright to tackle the hills of lancater county.

COME ON..... you really cant blame me can you??? :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Boston Blues

Last night, I was online getting things figured out ( or trying to at least) for the Boston Marathon.  I was practice, got registered early in the day, and got my hotel reserved… just in case things fall through with stay with my friend.  Anyhow…. So I was on Runner’s World, and the local Boston newspapers, and what not…… and I started to read some of the articles and posts.  There are a lot of people who obviously are not happy because the race sold out in one day and although they knew it would go fast, they left for work before it opened and got off work after it was already full.  So not having computer access they couldn’t register.  Then there were the people who ran into the website glitch like I did…. And then just never got confirmation so they are not able to participate this year.  Well, I started reading comments like this:
This is bullshit.  Women should have harder qualifying times.  3:40 is cake….. they needed harder qualifying times and this wouldn’t happen

This is a damn shame.  Looks like Boston has lost its shine.  This year the marathon will be a bunch of older, slower runners.    There are plenty of guys who ran a 2:30 who will not get to run boston this year…. But someone who ran a 3:30 will get to…. Not right.

Boston is suppose to be for the elite runners… not just those who squeaked in a qualification time and were quick typers to get registered quick

And it goes on and on and on.  So I got to thinking that they are right.  I mean I barely got in, I got in on my FIRST TRY for goodness sake… .isn’t that saying something about the difficulty in making it?  Obviously I didn’t have to try THAT hard?

And there are people like my friend Womelsdorf who been running for years qualified at steamtown, ran into the computer glitch yesterday morning, tried again at lunch and still wasn’t working, and then by the time he got home to try again it was full.

I don’t know…. Kind of took the whole excitement out of it for me L

Monday, October 18, 2010

Take it easy.... riiiiiight

So... I thought the 'TAPER' was bad.... well let me just say that the week-2 weeks following the marathon are painful.  More mentally than anything.... but its driving me insane.  It also doesnt help that i am NOT a patient person what so ever.  I have a hard time being ok with recovering from my 26.2 mile race.  This is absolutely insane i know... but i feel like i SHOULD be doing more.  I spent the last 6 months of my life busting my ass to get to marathon running shape.... and now im suppose to just kind of lay low.  Its a strange change in pace.  I guess that is why its totally common to get what they call the post marathon blues.  They compare it to post pardom depression... so strange.  I def felt that off and on last week..... but this week im more so just getting ants in my pants to run and get out there again.

This morning i got up early before work and went on a nice 4.5 mile run.  When i got up it was still pretty dark out.  Stars were out and the sky was super clear so it was actually a really nice way to start my run.  Felt pretty good through out the run... with exception to my knee tweaking out a bit near the half way point.  I think i need to take a day or two off from running on it and let it heal. I think its just sore from the mileage.  I need to respect my body... regardless of what i would rather do.

Today Boston Marathon registration opened at 9:00 am.  By 5:05 pm- registration was CLOSED.  can you believe it closed in 1 day?!?!?!?  So crazy.  Record breaking day.  I am so thankful i got in.... because i was having technical difficulties right along with everyone else this morning with the website... it was nuts.

Well, thats about all.  Ran and lifted today so tomorrow is a rest day.  No need to injure myself.  I need to take it easy and keep things moderate the next few weeks.  I really should try to enjoy it for now... because before i know i will be marathon training again.

So much for a realxing winter ;)

Where I came from and where running has brought me today

Wanted a place to ad my thoughts on my runs and active lifestyle. Not everyone can appreciate these types of posts.... running tends to cause many of my friends to yawn or their eyes glaze over as soon as the topic comes up.  Having a place to just write will be nice.  Lets see... a little background about me.

My very first race was in September of 2009.  I had decided in February of that year that i really wanted to lose some weight and get healthier.  My clothes were too tight and i didnt feel good about myself.  I ended up losing a little over 30 lbs between then and September.  I had thrown around the idea of running a 5k race- however i was not a runner, nor did i enjoy running.  I just thought it might be a cool thing to try.  I had some friends who were running a race in september and asked if i wanted to join... so i commited to run it as well.  The main reason i followed through and ran it was because it benefited prostate cancer research.  I ran it in 27:33 and honestly couldnt even catch my breath afterwards.  It was crazy.  For some reason.... i was hooked after that.  I went on to dive right into the 5k scene and loved racing.  My friend and i found ourselves at races just about every weekend throughout the fall and winter.  I got my time down to as low as 21:50. 

I then decided to move on to bigger races.  I ran a half marathon in May 2010, June 2010, and September 2010.  I also signed up for a marathon.  It was 10-10-10.  I thought that would be the best day to run my first marathon!

Two sundays ago, i ran my marathon in Scranton PA.  I loved just about every minute of it with exception of mile 19-20.5.   I finished my very first marathon strong and ran it in 3:37:09.  This was good enough to qualify my for the Boston Marathon in April of next year!!!  I was estatic ( and still am).

There is a little bit of background for you.  Wanted to at least share some of that for those interested in knowing a little bit about where i came from and what i am working with.  Running is truly something that i had never been interested in or been a part of growing up or throughout school.  It really seems to be something that comes naturally to me... it keeps me sane and challenged.  Its incredible to do something that i love.... but also benefits my health both physically and mentally!